Books I Love

These are some books that have left a mark on my heart, over the years. I absolutely love them and have tried to capture why in the descriptions below each book. I’m so grateful to all these writers for listening to God and creating books that have made such a beautiful difference in many peoples’ lives. These links will take you to the respective books’ Amazon pages for more information.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who would enjoy reading a former atheist share about God in a logical manner. While there may be some sections that require some re-reading (at least I needed to), overall I looked forward to reading this book each day. I love the analogies that CS Lewis used. They  paint a clear picture and help us to better understand the subject at hand. As with many of CS Lewis’s books, the first few chapters can tend to be more technical but the subsequent chapters become a lot more relatable.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who would enjoy reading a former atheist share about God in a logical manner. While there may be some sections that require some re-reading (at least I needed to), overall I looked forward to reading this book each day. I love the analogies that CS Lewis used. They paint a clear picture and help us to better understand the subject at hand. As with many of CS Lewis’s books, the first few chapters can tend to be more technical but the subsequent chapters become a lot more relatable.

Everytime I read a book by Max Lucado, I think this is his best book yet. Then I read another of his book and I’m in awe yet again. He writes in an incredibly relateable manner. Every chapter starts and ends with a brilliant connection. His analogies and humour really make this a light read while still hitting deep to the fears in our hearts. To read Max’s personal fears and how God  helped him overcome them, was such an inspiration.

Everytime I read a book by Max Lucado, I think this is his best book yet. Then I read another of his book and I’m in awe yet again. He writes in an incredibly relateable manner. Every chapter starts and ends with a brilliant connection. His analogies and humour really make this a light read while still hitting deep to the fears in our hearts. To read Max’s personal fears and how God helped him overcome them, was such an inspiration.

This was a great read. I took my time with it and allowed the words on the pages to seep into my heart. I loved all the testimonies in this book, they encouraged me and reminded me again and again how great our God truly is. I loved all the explanations based on the original Greek words and what they mean for us today. Even though I’ve been taking holy communion, this book fueled me with faith and has helped to give me a heart revelation of the posture to receive from the Lord.

This was a great read. I took my time with it and allowed the words on the pages to seep into my heart. I loved all the testimonies in this book, they encouraged me and reminded me again and again how great our God truly is. I loved all the explanations based on the original Greek words and what they mean for us today. Even though I’ve been taking holy communion, this book fueled me with faith and has helped to give me a heart revelation of the posture to receive from the Lord.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The recurring theme was to live a spirit-minded life. The way this book was written really ignites the fire of faith within, and the belief that we could truly live a life of revival. While it was a little hard to follow at times due to the fact that the book is a transcript of Wigglesworth’s sermons, it’s definitely worth the effort. As I was finishing the book, I couldn’t shake the contagious thought that God wants to move more powerfully in our generation than He did in Smith’s, just as Smith had prophesized!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The recurring theme was to live a spirit-minded life. The way this book was written really ignites the fire of faith within, and the belief that we could truly live a life of revival. While it was a little hard to follow at times due to the fact that the book is a transcript of Wigglesworth’s sermons, it’s definitely worth the effort. As I was finishing the book, I couldn’t shake the contagious thought that God wants to move more powerfully in our generation than He did in Smith’s, just as Smith had prophesized!

I absolutely loved this book. It’s incredibly hilarious and yet dispels sobering truths that tug at your heart. Lewis describes the human tendency and condition so well with a witty delivery of how we can enter into a deeper relationship with God. Honestly, I think this book strikes the perfect balance of highlighting the works of the enemy but always putting it in context of the much greater power that God holds. It took me a while to adjust to the writing style and vocabulary but enjoyed I thoroughly enjoyed it

I absolutely loved this book. It’s incredibly hilarious and yet dispels sobering truths that tug at your heart. Lewis describes the human tendency and condition so well with a witty delivery of how we can enter into a deeper relationship with God. Honestly, I think this book strikes the perfect balance of highlighting the works of the enemy but always putting it in context of the much greater power that God holds. It took me a while to adjust to the writing style and vocabulary but enjoyed I thoroughly enjoyed it

This book helped me to understand how to be the “flourishing” version of me that God created rather than the “languishing” version me. As I read the book, I found myself reflecting on how I think, the habits I build and  triggers that get to me. John uses his personal examples to explain various concepts. This book helped me to discover my identity in God and  who I am uniquely. It can speak to believers at any stage of their lives.

This book helped me to understand how to be the “flourishing” version of me that God created rather than the “languishing” version me. As I read the book, I found myself reflecting on how I think, the habits I build and triggers that get to me. John uses his personal examples to explain various concepts. This book helped me to discover my identity in God and who I am uniquely. It can speak to believers at any stage of their lives.

If you follow my Instagram stories, you would have noticed that I love sharing verses from The Passion Translation (TPT). The way it’s written is so alluring and oozing with God’s love. This translation was written in reference to the original languages (Greek, Hebreww, Aramaic), explaining the commons phrases, analogies and language used at that time. This helps to clarify some parts of the bible that can seem out of place in other translations. Do note that not all the books in the bible are translated to TPT.

If you follow my Instagram stories, you would have noticed that I love sharing verses from The Passion Translation (TPT). The way it’s written is so alluring and oozing with God’s love. This translation was written in reference to the original languages (Greek, Hebreww, Aramaic), explaining the commons phrases, analogies and language used at that time. This helps to clarify some parts of the bible that can seem out of place in other translations. Do note that not all the books in the bible are translated to TPT.

This Devo has accompanied me through every day of 2021 and has brought me great joy. I would open this devotional every morning and my heart would be flooded with the love of God. This book was written by the writer of The Passion Translation (TPT) above and you can see the theme of how Brian Simmons writes with the heart of God in mind. I purchased this devotional for some friends and even till this day, send pictures of the pages to various friends because it’s just that good.

This Devo has accompanied me through every day of 2021 and has brought me great joy. I would open this devotional every morning and my heart would be flooded with the love of God. This book was written by the writer of The Passion Translation (TPT) above and you can see the theme of how Brian Simmons writes with the heart of God in mind. I purchased this devotional for some friends and even till this day, send pictures of the pages to various friends because it’s just that good.

This book was fun, inspiring and made me feel like I want to live a life of boldness. Bob shares incredible personal life stories throughout the book and each chapter has its own message along with the overarching message of the entire book. As I read this book, I was reminded that life is filled with endless possibilities and it's worth taking risks and actually doing things rather than just dreaming about them. Thank you Bob Goff, for living such an incredibly whimsical life that inspires the rest of us!

This book was fun, inspiring and made me feel like I want to live a life of boldness. Bob shares incredible personal life stories throughout the book and each chapter has its own message along with the overarching message of the entire book. As I read this book, I was reminded that life is filled with endless possibilities and it's worth taking risks and actually doing things rather than just dreaming about them. Thank you Bob Goff, for living such an incredibly whimsical life that inspires the rest of us!

I’ve read a couple of Bill Johnson’s books and this is by far my favourite. Almost every line written is so profound that I need to meditate on each thought repeatedly. I loved how this book explained things Christians are familiar with but in a fresh perspective that gave it more meaning and depth. Sometimes I would read the same page a few nights in a row  to soak in the truth. This book is an easy read that is filled with depths of truths.

I’ve read a couple of Bill Johnson’s books and this is by far my favourite. Almost every line written is so profound that I need to meditate on each thought repeatedly. I loved how this book explained things Christians are familiar with but in a fresh perspective that gave it more meaning and depth. Sometimes I would read the same page a few nights in a row to soak in the truth. This book is an easy read that is filled with depths of truths.

Everytime I finished reading a chapter, I was left in awe and my eyes were filled with tears. Each chapter made me want to cry out to God to use my life in a greater way. I will admit that it was sad to read some stories and be exposed to the statistics of tragedy happening across the world but these sobering truths awakened a desire in me to make a difference in the world. It made me want to partner with God to transform the world in the unique way that I could. If you’re in need of a fresh perspective in life, this is a great read.

Everytime I finished reading a chapter, I was left in awe and my eyes were filled with tears. Each chapter made me want to cry out to God to use my life in a greater way. I will admit that it was sad to read some stories and be exposed to the statistics of tragedy happening across the world but these sobering truths awakened a desire in me to make a difference in the world. It made me want to partner with God to transform the world in the unique way that I could. If you’re in need of a fresh perspective in life, this is a great read.

I don’t often read fictional books but I couldn’t put this book down. I loved how each concept was explained through the experiences of the characters in the book. I even felt like I was a character in the book. It  broadened how I view  faith in the context of time and space. Being a seasoned believer, I almost expected the fruits of the spirit section  to be like typical teachings but this section was so well explained and easily became my favourite section. In fact, I find myself pondering the thoughts shared in the book till today.

I don’t often read fictional books but I couldn’t put this book down. I loved how each concept was explained through the experiences of the characters in the book. I even felt like I was a character in the book. It broadened how I view faith in the context of time and space. Being a seasoned believer, I almost expected the fruits of the spirit section to be like typical teachings but this section was so well explained and easily became my favourite section. In fact, I find myself pondering the thoughts shared in the book till today.

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